FRAGORIA - New MMORPG | Online Game

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haidars 07-27-2013 08:42 PM

when the update comes for the mirror items for fire speller and the frontliner books??? WHY....

when you say that they going to make the strong classes weaker and the weak classes strong than why you gife the strong classes lvl 71+ books...

and why there will come more 71+ books??? what the lvl 70 players can do...atleast do something for the lvl 70 too...
there will be a herbalist update soon...but close nobody is a herbalist?

they just making the strongest one stronger so that we go change class and pay more emms for the gear...i know they want earn money but atleast when ppl gife money to the game?! than make the game better ....

haidars 07-28-2013 01:00 PM

maybe there can be better a cross server all can get emms cuz if you put sometihng in from these 15servers atleast someone needs we dont need to pay money for the devs that only make this game worse

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