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Genius Mind 07-10-2013 01:26 PM

Announcement for alliance change

We have talked to many players since the time we launched the alliance system. We've been watching it's effect and we can say that it can become much better for sure. So today we are announcing changes that we are working on now to bring it to the game as fast as possible.

We will move the conflict from the alliance lands itself to the special new location.
The main idea is that on that new location you can get new special alliance resources from mobs. When you get the resource it immediately goes to alliance bank. In journal alliance leader will be able to check amount of resources collected by each alliance member.
Those new resources will be used to create new outfit for characters. It will be not as great as orange items for example but still very very nice - and will have set bonuses.
Only alliance master can create items and distribute them.
Of course this territory will be free for PvP.

And to make new alliances' life a bit easier we are adding "alliance level" indicator. While alliance is level 1 - it can't attack and can't be attacked. After level 2 it can take part in war but you can only declare a war on alliance +1/-1 level from your own. Alliance level is defined by level of buildings.

This is all we can announce now in general. We will keep you informed as work on this changes goes on. We can't announce any dates so far but it shouldn't lake more then few weeks.

Fragoria Team

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