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Genius Mind 03-01-2013 03:25 PM

Alliances, Kings, and Wars (February 03, 2012)
Game Politics

Here we will discussed politics, not with the current game alliances, but rather new technical changes that will give the possibility to create ingame alliances, to claim wars on other guilds, and to choose server kings.

The points discussed here are currently under development, and not yet implemented into the game. Keep in mind the example scenarios here are subject to change, and also that your feedback/opinions are very appreciated. Please post them below as replies to this thread.

Two separate systems will be implemented: Alliance System and Server King System.

Guild Alliance

Guild masters will be able to propose an alliance with another guild, and that guild must accept in order for the alliance to be created. Furthermore guilds from several other servers can be in alliance with the home server. For example, five guilds may be allied, and members of these guilds will be friendly to each other in Carawan Way, and perhaps other cross-server locations.

Guilds will also be able to declare war on other guilds, and members will be hostile against each other, even in the home server. This means you do not have to switch to PK-mode when encountering members of a enemy guild.

Server King / Server Alliance

On each server, there will be one person who can propose alliances with another server. Upon server alliance, all members between both servers will be non-hostile. This one person is the server king. The appointment of the king depends on the winners of Castle1 game.

For example, the number of votes can be dependent on the number of scrolls won during the Castle1 game. For example, if the winning guild amasses 20000 scrolls from it's members after winning Castle1, that guild will have 20000 votes. If the second place guild amasses 15000 scrolls, then that guild has 15000 votes, and so on, so forth. Every week, the elections reset, and all previous unused votes are lost.

After Castle1, an election is run, and each guild can propose any person in the server for King. The elections will begin, and the guild masters with scrolls/votes will be able to submit their votes. The nominee with the most votes becomes server king, subsequently.

Now, what can this king do? This king can claim alliance with another server, and he can bless a guild in the server. This means that the blessed guild will receive some temporary buff.

Alliances can also choose the Head of the Alliance. If this player is also the king of the server, then all guild masters and guilds in the alliance receive another special buff that effects grouped party members. For example, lets say we have a king, who was also chosen as Alliance Head, then that king will have an effect (ei. +10% to all stats) that effects grouped members. Furthermore, all allied guild masters will become his officers and also be imposed some lesser effect (ei. +5% to all stats). Furthermore, the buff will be based on membership in the group, meaning distance is not affected. As long as you are in the group with the king, you will receive the buff, regardless of your location, or the king's location. Furthermore, if noone is grouped with the king, then only the king has the buff.

Voting/election interface will be accessed via a button below, that will show the number of players ready to vote. Once the number of players ready to vote reaches a certain number, voting will begin.

Feedback Suggestions

If you have idea about any of the following, then please post:

1) Should the king be able to reward good subjects or punish those who oppose him/her?
Keep in mind, that such powers should be minimal, and cannot cause other players to suffer dramatically. Furthermore, since certain spells such as those that heal, will only greatly effect healer classes, then perhaps this proposed power should be some ability that effects all classes.

2) How should the king be elected?
The example election posted above was an arbitrary example, and is not definite. If you have any ideas regarding how the king should be chosen, then post below.

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Note 1:

Although this system seems to strengthen the strong, there is a still a chance for lesser guilds to band together and take over the kingship. Therefore, guild politics and relations will be of more importance.

Note 2:

This alliance system will also keep cross-server alliances from accidental attacks - meaning members will be peaceful towards each other, even if they are in different servers.

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