FRAGORIA - New MMORPG | Online Game

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Karma 02-27-2013 11:55 AM

XMAS 2012 : Greetings from Great Snake !
Hsss... Who is there? It's me, the Great Sssnake. Where am I? Hmm, is this Fragotown? Ah.... Finally! I am the ambasssssador of Santa Claus and I come from ancient Landsss. Did you hear? The noises of reindeer hooves and bellsss.

Santa Clausss is already on the way, and I need to tell you important newsss for the Christmas Event. It will start tomorrow... hsss...oh, yesss, get ready for quizzes and answer them correctly to earn your prizesss!

Yoursss trully,
Great Snake

Karma 02-27-2013 11:56 AM

Greeting Fragorians!

I bring a message from the Great Snake:

The prize and reward system for answering
all the puzzles/quizzes properly will be similar
to the Guy Fawkes event in November.
That is, points will be awarded for the correct
answers, and at the end of the event, you will be
given several options of prizes to choose from.

For the puzzles and quizzes, you will be
restricted to one answer per player, per day.
So think carefully about your answer before you submit!

Good Luck!

Karma 02-27-2013 11:57 AM

Question Card #1

Give me examples of items in the game that come as sets of 3, 4, and 5 (one example per set number)
An example of Set 3 item: Crystal Mercury

You must submit the answer by Tuesday 8:00 Server Time
Correct answer will reward 10 points to the player.

Submit your answers to the following email:
Highlight you Question name and Character name on the subject.

Good Luck!

Question Card # 1 Closed

Example of set of 3 items:
Crafting tools quest items: Borazon, Crystal Mercury, dragon mustard, Northern Ash
Example of set of 4 items
Colors of resources.
Resource collecting professions
Commandment tablets.
Alchemic bombs.
Examples of set of 5 items
Masters of trade union
Result of many crafted items: pet food, pills, etc

Players with correct answers: (received 10 points)
Tuts, Atouk, Maidre, Mal, Haidarss, Funky, Volodya, Akvile, Tenajganda, K.b., Anastasiya, Zle, Cama, S T E E V E


Karma 02-27-2013 11:58 AM

Question Card #2

Tell me, what tiny creatures roam the grounds of fragotown?

You must submit the answer by Wednesday 8:00 Server Time
Correct answer will reward 10 points to the player.

Submit your answers to the following email:
Highlight the Question number and Character name on the subject.

Good Luck!

Question Card # 2 Closed

Answer : Fragoria have 7 types of tiny creatures - Wolf, Panda, Duck, Fox, Goose, Chicken, Pig.

Players with correct answers ( received 10 points ) : K.b., Anastasiya, Volodya , Tuts, Bomberman, Maidre, Akvile, Mal, Cama.

Our congratulations!

Karma 02-27-2013 11:59 AM

Friendly reminder Smiley

Today's task will be a Picture Puzzle (30 points).

Look here:


Karma 02-27-2013 12:03 PM

Question Card #3

Great Snake got lost in the huge world of Fragoria.
You need to help him find all branches of the following buildings in Fragoria: Bank, Auction, and Post Buildings. Do not forget to specify location and coordinates.
Great Snake will be very glad to make this journey with you!

You must submit the answer by Friday 8:00 Server Time
Correct answer will reward 10 points to the player.

Submit your answers to the following email:
Highlight the Question number and Character name on the subject.

Goodluck in Searching !

Question Card # 3 is Closed

Correct answers for the next Buildings :

Frost Plato :
Bank/Mailbox House -44/-86

Northern Mountain : Auction House 195/-770
Post House -42/-612
Post/Auction House -77/-620
Bank House -200/-475
Post House 11/-107

Sea Forest :
Post House -20/-38

Post House - 6/-55

Fragotown :
Post House -25/-12
Auction House - 57/16
Bank House -37/9
Post/Bank/Craftsmen House 52/-58

Unfortunately, No winners in this Question Card

P.S. : Why it's so ? The Question was about the Buildings in what you can enter and visit NPC inside of build... The explanation is presented on the screenshots :

This is correct building ( house what have NPC inside of build ) :

There is incorrect answer ( NPC standing on the ground ) :

Thank you ! Karma.

Karma 02-27-2013 12:05 PM

Question Card # 4

Let's see how efficient your eyes are in searching

Mark the words mentioned below in the following puzzle.


You must submit the answer by Saturday 8:00 Server Time
Correct answer will reward 10 points to the player.

Download the image in the above link to your desktop, and open it using PAINT program (all computers have that program). Look for the words mentioned above, circle/cross-line them, and make a screenshot of the image when it is done. Send it to

Highlight the Question number and Character name on the subject.

Good Luck!

Question Card # 4 is closed

Players with complete search ( received 10 points ) :
Atouk, Akvile, Worm, Mal, Quasimodo, Zle, Gill, S T E E V E, Tenajganda, Haidarss, Cama


Karma 02-27-2013 12:06 PM

Question Card # 5

Rocks are unique feature of Fragorian lands. They are seen in all shapes and sizes.

Count this specific rock with the special fragorian marking scattered on the surface of whole middle lands

Answer must be sent by Monday 12:00 Server Time
Correct answer will reward 20 points to the player.

Submit your answers to the following email:
Highlight the Question number and Character name on the subject.

Good luck Searching!

Question Card # 5 is closed

Players with correct answers : Bomberman, Tuts, STEEVES, Medina

In whole Middle Lands total 17 stones.


P.S. Coordinates with stones are presented here :

131/221; 89/288; -234/254; -25/81; -93/-14; -92/-61; -188/-10; -207/-20; -37/-113; -69/-283; - 87/-308; -163/-334; 64/-59; 132/-314; 62/-313; 77/11 ; -212/53

Karma 02-27-2013 12:08 PM

Question Card # 6

What will you receive if you combine the following ingredients:
1. Wiry leather x 50 + Life Power x 50 + Upgrade gem
2. Thin Leather x70 + Plantain x70
3. Spruce x30 + Iron x 30 + upgrade gem
4. Life spirit x 50 + Tin x 50
5. Spruce x130 + Leather Sheat x 130 + upgrade Gem

Answer must be sent by Tuesday 8:00 Server Time
Correct answer will reward 10 points to the player.

Submit your answers to the following email:
Highlight the Question number and Character name on the subject.

Good luck Searching!

Question Card # 6 ended


1. Set of Health Potions of Pet
2. Set of Stamina Elixirs
3. Set of Usual Thorn Organ/Set of Usual Arrows
4. Awaker for pet
5. Set of Speed Elixir

Players with correct answer (received 10 points)
K.b., Mal, Cama, Worm, Tuts, Bomberman, Quasimodo, Akvile, Atouk, Lindsay, Gill, Tenajganda, Zle, S T E E V E, Junior

Karma 02-27-2013 12:09 PM

Question Card # 7
We Apologize for the delay

Have some moments to check out this puzzle!

2. Increases pet's upgrading success
4. One of strongman's subclasses
7. A kind of gem that increases upgrade success percentage
8. Buy warrior mirror with
10. A cave monster
12. An item that boost character's spells or weapon damage
13. A usual fragorian pet
1. Reduces pet hatching time
3. Reward currency of subscription games
5. Crafted by jewelary professions
6. Resource collecting professional's tool
9. Required to Craft items
10. Upgrades skill level
11. A kind of in-game currency

You must submit the answer by Wednesday 12:00 Server Time
Correct answer will reward 15 points to the player.

Download the image in the above link to your desktop, and open it using PAINT program (all computers have that program). Look for the words mentioned above, circle/cross-line them, and make a screenshot of the image when it is done. Send it to

Highlight the Question number and Character name on the subject.

Good Luck!

Question Card # 7

Players with correct answer (received 15 points)[/color]
S T E E V E, K.b., Bomberman, Tuts, Cama, Mal, Atouk, Akvile, Gill, Tenajganda, Lindsay

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