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Genius Mind 03-01-2013 09:36 AM

Developers' comments on updates (September 21, 2011)
Dear players.

We have been observing your reaction and comments on recent changes in game and what I would like to say is that our first and major goal is to make Fragoria fun and comfortable for as many players as possible. So now I will explain some of the most important issues regarding last updates and future changes.

We heard a lot of critics for removing pastures. The thing is that it wasn't part of the "game". Game is always a process. Game is fun. Clicking something for 10 hours is no fun at all, that's why we moved pet food and experience potions to games. And yes we understand that we missed something in our calculations - especially regarding experience - and we will reconsider it tomorrow. We will come back to you with exact numbers as soon as we have it.

Second thing. Games themselves. We know that now it's pretty hard to start a game because we don't have enough players on certain levels. That's why we will add something new to this system. Game will begin if it gets enough players OR if it's waiting time is over and it has minimum required number of players. Exactly: Nuts (hard) will begin in there are 20 people in queue OR in 10 minutes after first player came to queue and there are at least 6 players in queue. That will make game start much more easy and will provide you enough badges. Update with this fix will be installed on 23.09.
back to pastures. We will remove Hunters (NPCs) on October 1st, so make sure you exchange all your balls until then. For your comfort number of pet food pieces that can be put into one slot will be incrased from 10 to 1000 tomorrow.

Also I would like to announce that we are working on PvE-games, which will also make getting badges more easy. From the very beginning we will launch 2 games - Kikimora (you might remember it from Spring event) for 5 players and Hero's Path - a game for 1 player. This will be non-pvp games for those who don't really like killing other players.

We are still working on new fix in which you will receive 2 interesting possibilities:
- You will be able to purchase items +/- 10 level from your own level in wallet;
- A new NPC will appear. He will be glad to exchange any purple item (weapon, armor, pet items) to purple badges (Sign of Commander) at the rate of 1:18. That means that we decided not to close existing dungeons, but to bring some more interest to them.

I would like to say that we all have same goal. We all wan to make Fragoria the best game ever. That's why we are always listening to what you say and we really try to make all aspects as fun as possible. Unfortunately making games - especially such huge once as Fragoria - is very complicated and nobody has recipes that can give you a 100% success chance. We all make mistakes sometimes. But we are ready to looks for ways to fix everything and make it better.

This is the first part of changes. As soon as I have any news - I'll come back to you.


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