FRAGORIA - New MMORPG | Online Game

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Karma 02-27-2013 12:23 PM

Fragorians !

We announce the start of the first battle of "Holy War" between severs

The selected server groups are :

Lithuania1 + Lithuania 2 + Poland 2
Greece + Spain 1

The battle will take place at Kitezh Sanctuary.
This map will have 2 statues - one with Lithuanian flag,
another one with Greek flag.
Statues are like gates in sanctuary, one hit by character/pet creates 1 damage to the wall.

Beginning - at 21:00 server time.

Duration: 2 Hours

At 20:00 server time in the town 2 NPC will appear. One of them sells tickets for that game, another one
- special item allowing to observe the battle.

At 21:00 players from participating servers will be able to enter special location
- Kitezh Sanctuary. So team 1 defends statue with Lithuanian flag, team 2 -
statue with Greek flag, and also they attack enemy's statue.

If one statue is destroyed before the time ends - this team automatically loose. If by the end of time both statues are still standing - the team with most statue's HP wins.

As a prize winning team will get some items on auction at sweet price
and some resources in the town right after event ends.

* NPC will Appear on EN server selling observer tickets

Good luck to the participating servers Smiley

Fragoria Team

Karma 02-27-2013 12:24 PM


To let you know, due to some errors and delay in the start of Holy War, we are repeating this event on Saturday 25th February 19-21 hour server time.

Lithuania1 + Lithuania 2 + Poland 2
Greece + Spain 1

Good luck

Karma 02-27-2013 12:26 PM

Fighters of Fragoria!!

Our time has come!

Holy War will take place this Saturday and Sunday 17th and 18th March respectively.

The battle will take place at Kitezh Sanctuary.
This map will have 2 statues - holding the flags of the corresponding country server.
Statues are like gates in sanctuary, one hit by character/pet creates 1 damage to the wall.

At the start of the each game 2 NPC will appear in the city. One of them sells tickets for that game, another one
- special item allowing to observe the battle. With tickets players from participating servers will be able to enter the Kitezh Sanctuary.

Each server players have to defend their flag statue and at the same time attack enemy's statue.
If one statue is destroyed before the time ends - this server automatically loose. If by the end of time both statues are still standing - the server with most statue's HP wins.

As a prize winning team will get some items on auction at sweet price
and some resources in the town right after event ends.

Saturday 17th March
Time 15:00 server time

Time 19:00 server time

Sunday 18th March
Time 15:00 server time

Time 18:00 server time

All war duration is 1.5 hours

Good luck to the participating servers Smiley

Prizes will be detailed later

EN Players, prepare your characters, pets and gears. We shall protect our Statue and WIN in our 1st holy war event

Fragoria Team

Karma 02-27-2013 12:27 PM

EN server !! Get ready for Holy War in 7 min !!

P.S. Pol 3 server Podlasie has about 40 ppl online , strongest Dark Squard guild and not so many strongest players... and we have more than 3 strongest guilds and strongest players !!!

Good luck to all in hard Party against our enemies!

Do not forget to put near your comp beer and popcorns !!

EN team

Karma 02-27-2013 12:28 PM

Event schedules for the weekends

Saturday 24th March

15:00 POLAND6 vs POLAND4
18:00 RUSSIA vs HAMBURG Couldnt launch= Technical draw

Sunday 25th March


NPC selling tickets for observing the game will appear during the event period in Fragotown near arena. Ticket costs 1 gold.

Good luck to the participating servers

Fragoria Team

Karma 02-27-2013 12:29 PM

Dear EN server!!!

In this hot Sunday will be our first battle in championship of Holy War.

We will fight agaisnt Russia .. Lithuania 1 !! Get ready for first battle and i hope we can win !!!

Starting 16:00 pm server time, duration 90 min. NPC will appear near to Arena selling tickets.

Would be nice if we can help each other to make chests with potions on Stamina, Intellect, Spirit and so on and sell it on auction.

Best Regards, Fragoria EN team

Karma 02-27-2013 12:31 PM

Game result


Thank you to all participants and Appreciate your presence during the game..

The prizes both resources and auctioned items will be announce later ..


Resources (Ruby, Papyrus and Silk) are given in fragotown and were send to participant guilds

Items on Auction:

50 Adult mighty tigers 5000 emeralds each

200 (40x5) empty experience bottles level 55 (5000 emeralds for a pack of 5)

Time of Auction (divided into two batches)

Thursday, April 5, 18:00 server time (1st half of auctioned items)

Sunday, April 8, 18:00 server time (2nd half of auctioned items)

Karma 02-27-2013 12:32 PM

Karma 02-27-2013 12:33 PM


EN server won !

Prizes will be auctioned into two batches :

Tuesday, April 24, 18:00 pm server time

Thursday, April 26, 18:00 pm server time

Fragoria EN team

Karma 02-27-2013 12:34 PM

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