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Old 02-27-2013, 10:39 AM   #16
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 257

Door 16

Question to Door 16

Can you help us complete the text description of an item present in the game ?

1. ......... ....... is required to start the process of .....'s uniting. TO use the ...... put it in a special slot in unification window

2. ...... increases the chance of successful unification of ..... . To use the ....... put it in a slot in unification window. Simultaneously you can use upto .... catalyst.

Look for the missing word!! Can you guess them!

Answers to be send as personal post to Genius Mind in the forum
Please include the group number and Door number

Prizes: 10x Pills of acceleration of growth of the adult pet + 30%

Good luck
Fragoria Team

Door 16 has closed and the winner is
Group 3

Congratulation to the winner group on behalf of fragoria team

Answer to the question

1. Little Key is required to start the process of Pet's uniting. TO use the Key put it in a special slot in unification window

Catalyst increases the chance of successful unification of pets . To use the Catalyst put it in a slot in unification window. Simultaneously you can use up to six catalyst.

Congratulation to groups with correct answer, your surprises awaits at the end of the event!

Good luck on next Door
Fragoria Team
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